- Draw a general layout of thermal/steam power plant and explain the working of different circuits.
- Explain in detail about the coal preparation, cleaning and handling.
- (a)State and derive Rankine cycle.(8)
(b)Explain the working
of cyclone burner & fluidized bed combustion system.
- How are cooling towers classified? Explain them.
- Draw a layout of typical micro hydro scheme and explain its working in detail.
- What are the different types of pumped storage power generation? Explain its advantages & disadvantages.
- Sketch the layout of hydro electric power plant &explain the functions of each component in it. Discuss the advantages & limitations of this power plant.
8. How
are dams classified? What are the factors to be considered in selecting type of
- Explain the principle of operation of fast breeder reactor, CANDU & boiling water reactor.
- Explain the construction & working of super critical, pressurized & gas cooled water reactor reactors.
- (a)Explain with neat sketch about the controlled and un controlled nuclear chain reaction.(8)
(b) Explain the
importance of nuclear waste management.(8)
- Explain in detail about the components of diesel power plant.
- Explain in detail about Regeneration, Reheating & Inter cooling
- Explain the layout of gas turbine power plant & diesel power plant. . Discuss the advantages & limitations of this power plant.
- With a neat sketch explain the working principle and types of fuel cells. Give its advantages and disadvantages.
- Explain the working principle of OTEC with it's advantages & dis-advantages.
- Explain the working principle of geothermal conversion system with neat sketch.
- Describe the governing principle of Impulse & francis turbine.
- (a) Compare Radial flow and Axial flow turbo machines.(8)
Differentiate impulse turbine and reaction turbine. (8)
20.(a) Explain in detail about tidal energy conversion system.
Explain magneto hydro dynamic system. (8)
- State and explain the carnot cycle process.
- What is the necessity of feed pump in thermal powerplant?
- State the advantages & disadvantages of pulverized fuel firing.
- Mention various modern ash handling systems.
- Sketch P-V and T-S diagram of Atkinson cycle. Also mention the processes involved.
- Mention the various processes of the Brayton cycle. Sketch a P-V and T-S diagram
- Define boiler mountings and boiler accessories.
- What is hydraulic turbine? Give its classification.
- Define specific speed of a turbine.
- What are the different types of spillways?
- What is forebay?
- Define chain reaction & give its requirements.
- Define the term breeding.
- What is the function of pressurizer in pressurized water reactor?
- What is known as binding energy? 19) Applications of solar thermal system.
16. Distinguish
PHWR and LMFBR. 20)geothermal fluids and give its temperature range.
- What is meant by combined cycle power plant.
- Differentiate open cycle & closed cycle gas turbine power plant.
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