of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Subject: EE2354 – Microprocessors
and microcontroller
UNIT I: 8085 and 8086
Part A
1. What is the need for ALE
signal in 8085 microprocessor?
2. How many machine cycles
are needed to execute STA 1800?
3. What is the need for interfacing?
4. Compare memory mapped I/O and peripheral mapped I/O.
5. State the disadvantages of memory mapped I/O scheme.
6. Define interfacing.
7. Differentiate between software and hardware interrupts.
8. What
is interrupt?
9. Name
the vectored and non vectored interrupt of 8085 system.
10. What
do you mean by timing diagram?
11. Define i)
Instruction cycle ii) Machine cycle
12. Define T-state and In
which T-cycle the ALE signal is activated?
13. What do you mean by
masking the interrupt? How it is activated in 8085?
14. If a
5 MHz crystal
is connected with
8085; what is the value
of system clock frequency and one T state.
15. What is the function of
SIM instruction in 8085?
16. What is the significance
of I/O Ports?
17. What are the different
machine cycles in 8085 Microprocessor?
18. How performance of a
microprocessor is measured in terms of MIPS?
19. A microprocessor takes n
µs is for executing as instruction. What
design change will make the microprocessor to execute the same instruction in
n/2 µs?
Part B
1. Describe the functional pin diagram of 8085. (16)
2. Describe the functional block diagram of 8085. (16)
3. Explain the 8085 interrupt system in detail. (16)
4. Explain various machine cycles supported by 8085. (16)
(i) With suitable examples explain how I/O devices are connected using memory
mapped I/O and peripheral I/O. (10)
(ii) Design
a microprocessor system to interface an 8K × 8 EPROM and 8K × 8 RAM. (6)
6. Draw timing
diagrams for the
following instruction with
appropriate control and status signal. Explain briefly CALL 2000.
7. (i) Interface a
and 2KX8 RAM
IC with 8085
such that the
starting address assigned
to them are
0000H and 4000H
respectively using address
decoder having NAND gate and inverters.
(ii) Draw the timing diagram
of I/O read cycle in 8085 and explains it. (8)
8. Draw and
explain the timing
diagram of the
following instructions of
8085 Microprocessor.
(i) LDA 2050H
(ii) RET (16)
9. With necessary diagrams, write short notes
on the following
(i) RAM memory interfacing
(ii) ROM memory interfacing
(iii) Interrupt structure of 8085 (16) (16)
10. (i) Using peripheral
mapped I/O, design a seven segment LED output port with device address of F2h using necessary control ICs.
Draw the schematic and write 8085 ALP for displaying digit 8. (8)
(ii) Distinguish peripheral
mapped I/O and memory mapped I/O technique.
11. (i)Write short notes on
vectored interrupts of 8085. (8)
(ii) Draw the microprocessor Bus timing
for the instruction STA 4500H and Explain. (8)
12. Explain the functional block diagram of
Part A
1. Show the different
instruction formats used in 8085.
2. What is the type of stack used in 8085?
3. Define addressing modes. How many addressing modes are
available in 8085?
4. Explain the following instruction: i) LHLD 8020 H ii) XTHL
5. What do you mean by
Looping, Counting and Indexing?
6. What is the subroutine? How it is useful?
7. Explain the need of software timers.
8. Differentiate cascade stack and memory stack?
9. What is the significance of ‘XCHG’ and ‘SPHL’
10. Write the operation carried out when 8085 executes RST0
11. What is stack? And what
is the function of stack pointer?
12. Write the difference between opcode and operand.
13. Write the stack related instructions in 8085 Microprocessor.
14. Compute the execution time of instruction LDA 2050h if the T
state duration is 2 µs.
Part B
1. Explain the addressing
modes of 8085 with example. (16)
2. Explain the Different types of instruction in 8085. (16)
3. (i) Write a program to arrange n numbers in ascending order. (8)
(ii) Write a program to unpack a two digit BCD
number stored at memory. (8)
4. Explain the BCD to Decimal code conversion technique and write
8085 assembly language program for the same.
5. Explain the BCD to Seven Segment code conversion technique and write
8085 assembly language program for the same. (16)
6. (i) Write a program to calculate the factorial of a number
between 0 to 8. (8)
ii) Write
a program to find the number of negative, zero and positive numbers. (8)
7. Explain the operations carried out when 8085 executes the
Instructions. (16)
(i) MOV
A, M
(ii) XCHG
(iii) DAD H
(iv) DAA
8. Write 8085 assembly
language program to find the seven segment codes for the lower and upper nibble
of the given 8 – bit binary number
using look up table technique and store the result in memory. (16)
9. Write 8085 Assembly language program to
perform the following ab + ac, where a, b and c are 8 bit binary numbers. Explain with algorithm and flowchart. (16)
10. (i) Write 8085 ALP to
perform 16 bit addition of 2 numbers from location 4100H and 4102H
using 16 bit move
and arithmetic instructions
and save the
result from the next memory location.
(i) Explain the operation of stack in 8085 microprocessor. (8)
(ii) Explain the
sequence of events
in the execution
of CALL and
RET instructions. (8)
Part A
1. Write down the function of OBF in 8255.
2. Define PPI.
3. Bring about the features of 8259.
4. Explain the advantages of PIC chips in microprocessor based
5. Explain the working of
receiver part of USART.
6. What is key debouncing?
7. What is the count value needed to program the 8254 to generate
a delay of 1 ms?
8. Name any two type of
9. Which is the fastest ADC and why?
10. Define the following
terms for D/A converters:
i) Resolution
ii) Accuracy
iii) Monotonicity
iv) Conversion time
11.What is the necessity of
the programmable interval timer?
12. List the features of 8279.
13. Compare parallel and
serial type of data transfer.
14. Write the BSR control
words to set PC0 and to reset PC4 in 8255.
15. Write the format in
which data is transmitted in asynchronous mode by 8251.
16.What is the
maximum number of
I/O devices that
can be connected
to 8085 microprocessor using 8259
17. What is the bit set reset mode of 8255 PPI?
18. Differentiate cascade stack and Memory Stack?
19. Calculate the values of LSB, MSB and full scale output for 8
bit DAC for 0 to 10 V range.
Part B
Explain any one of the modes of 8255 in detail. (16)
21. With neat block diagram explain PPI. (16)
22. (i) Using model, write a program to communicate between two
microprocessors using
(ii) Show the
control word format
of 8255 and
explain how each
bit is programmed. (6)
23. With neat block diagram explain the
functions of 8259. (16)
24. (i) Bring about the features of 8251. (6)
(ii) Discuss how 8251 is used for serial
communication of data. (6)
(iii) Explain the
advantages of using the USART chips in
microprocessor based systems. (4)
25. Design an interface
circuit needed to
connect DIP switch as
an input device
and display the value
of the key
pressed using a
7 segment LED
display. Using 8085 system, write
a program to implement the same. (16)
26. Explain the 7 segment
LED interface with microprocessor. (16)
27. (i) Explain the advantages of using the keyboard and display
controller chips in microprocessor based system. (6)
(ii) Write a program using
RST 5.5 interrupt to get an input from keyboard and display it on the display
system. (6)
(iii) Use RST 5.5 instead
of RST 7.5 and change mask pattern accordingly. (4)
8. (i) Explain the working of 8254 timer and write a program using
it to generate a square waveform of period 3 ms. (10)
(ii) Describe with any one of the mode configurations of 8254
timer in detail.(6)
29. Explain how to convert an analog signal into digital signal. (16)
30. Interface an 8-bit
DAC with 8085
microprocessor using 8255
and write assembly language programs to generate square
wave of 1 KHZ and triangular wave of 100 Hz.
The crystal frequency connected to 8085 is 6 MHz. (16)
31. With necessary diagrams explain the interfacing of Analog to
Digital converter with microprocessor 8085.
32. Discuss various operating modes of 8253 timer with necessary
control words.
Part A
1. What are
the alternate function of Port 3 in the 8051 microcontroller?
2. Compare
the 8051, 8031 and 8751 microcontroller.
3. What is
the function of SM2 bit present in SCON register in 8051?
4. If a 12
MHz crystal is connected with 8051, how much is the time taken for the count in
timer 0 to get incremented by one?
5. What is
the advantage of microcontroller over microprocessor?
6. What is
the difference between microcontroller and microprocessor?
7. What is
the time duration for one state and one machine cycle if a 6 MHz crystal is
connected to 8051?
8. What is
the difference between timer and counter operation in 8052?
9. What is
the function of IP register in 8051?
10. What is
the importance of special function registers available in 8051 microcontroller?
11. What is
the job of the TMOD register?
12. Name the
interrupts of 8051 Microcontroller.
13. What is
the function of DPTR register?
What are the features of 8051 microcontroller?
15. What happens in power down mode of 8051
16. Define Watch Dog Timer.
17. Define baud rate.
18. List any applications of Microcontroller.
What is Microcontroller?
List the features of 8051 microcontroller.
Calculate the reload value of timer 1 for achieving a baud rate of 4800 in 8051
for a crystal frequency of 11.0592 MHz.
Part B
1. Describe the architecture of 8051 with neat
diagram. (16)
2. i)
Discuss the peripheral interface of 8051. (8)
ii) Explain the interrupt structure of 8051
microcontroller Explain how interrupts are prioritized. (8)
3. i)
What is the difference between the Microprocessors and Microcontrollers? (8)
ii) Explain the I/O port structure of 8051. (8)
4. i)
Explain the different serial communication modes in 8051. (8)
Explain the memory structure of 8051. (8)
5. States various modes available for timer in
8051. (16)
6. Explain the functional
pin diagram of 8051 Microcontroller. (16)
7. (i) Explain the different addressing modes in 8051 in detail. (16)
(ii) Describe the different modes of operation
of timers in 8051. (16)
8. Explain the Timer/Counter
functional unit of Microcontroller 8051 with
relevant diagrams. (16)
9. Write 8051 ALP to read data from port 1 when
negative edge triggered at INT0 and supply the data to port 2 by masking the
upper 4 bits. (16)
10. Explain the different
serial communication modes in 8051. (16)
11. Write 8051
ALP to transmit
‘Hello World’ to
PC at 9600
baud for external
crystal frequency of 11.0592 MHz. (16)
Part A
1. Write an ALP to add the values AB H and 47
H. Store the result in R1.
2. What is the function of RET instruction?
3. What are the ports available in 8051?
4. What are the addressing modes in 8051?
5. Write a program
that finds the number of 1s in a given byte.
6. What are the
bits available in TMOD register?
7. What are the timers available in 8051.
8. Find the period of the mahine cycle if 8051
crystal frequency is 20 MHz.
9. Explain
the instruction: SWAP
10. What are external hardware interrupt?
11. What is the interrupt priority in 8051?
12. What is keyboard debouncing?
13. Define conversion time.
14. What are the different
types of ADC?
15. Give some LCD command
16. In ACD 0849, Vref =
2.56 V. Calculate the D0-D7 output if
the analog input is 2.1 V.
17. In DAC 0808, R = 5 K, Iref = 2 mA. Calculate Vout for the binary input 1001
18. Give the
4-step sequence of stepper motor if we
start with 0110.
19. What is
the need of driver circuit between the microcontroller and the stepper motor?
Part B
1. With a neat circuit diagram explain how a 4 x
4 keypad is interfaced with
8051 microcontroller
and write 8051 ALP for keypad scanning. (16)
2. Draw the schematic for interfacing a stepper
motor with 8051
microcontroller and
write 8051 ALP for changing speed
and direction of
. (16)
3. Explain the
operations carried out
when the following instructions are executed
by 8051.
(i) MOVX
@R0, A
(iii) RLC A
(iv) CJNE
A, 50H, L2
(v) JBC 20H, L3
(vi) XCH A,
30H where L2 and L3 are labels. (16)
4. i ) Explain addition and subtraction instructions
of 8051. (8)
ii) Explain various types of jump instructions
according to range. (8)
5. i)
Write a 8051 ALP to find Fibonacci series of N given numbers. (8)
Write a 8051 ALP to find the average of given N numbers. (8)
6. Explain the Microcontroller 8051 based
Stepper motor control. (16)
7.. Draw the
schematic for interfacing a servo motor with 8051 microcontroller .
8. Explain the 4 X 4 Keyboard interfacing with
Microcontroller 8051. (16)
9. Interface a
20 x 2 LCD with
8051 micro controller
and write assembly
language program to display the following
message in it at the middle .
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